
Application examples

Hybrid / On-site event


Trade show



Mate, our mobile app for tradeshows and events, is your pocket companion for on-site events and a useful addition for hybrid event formats due to the ability to mirror content from the DGS live streaming solution Deep.

Furthermore, the personalised agenda as well as easy access to information about the event venue, hotels, transport options or other points of interest create real added value for your participants.

Thanks to its flexible utilization options, we are certain our mobile app solution will suit your application case - no matter the size!


Your trusty companion and you

Use our user-friendly, on-site solution to ensure a smooth event experience.


Create sessions or workshops for your event in a chronological calendar view

Bookable sessions

Use quotas to limit the number of participants per session; queue & automated follow-up included

Speaker information

Easily manage and share speaker and moderator lists


Use interactive features such as live votings, feedbacks or the social wall

Media library

Upload all common file formats and categorize them for easy viewing or downloading


Allow participants to ask private questions, which can be answered directly via the backend or forwarded to speakers on-stage

Push notifications

Send push notifications to individual users or different user groups


Need more character? Not a problem

When basic just isn't enough: Get creative and use your imagination to enhance the user experience.

Content Management System

Design your own content pages and easily add text, videos, images or links

Flexible menus

Freely customizable navigation menu - simply add menu items that link to external websites or your own created CMS pages

Groups & tags

Define different views and manage content access for different guest groups


Use matchmaking to connect participants based on their interests or preferences

Are you ready for an easy event life?

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